Thursday, January 12, 2012

First Week of Grad School

This week was my first week of grad school. It has been a very tough week for me as I try to get a schedule going. I think it is interesting that when you pray about things before moving forward God has a way of reminding you that you are where He wants you to be. I have been fighting with myself about the idea of being smart enough to do grad school. I was told I would never amount to much due to my dyslexia. I have had to tell myself many times "I can do all things through Him who gives me strength!" My other struggle has been asking my husband for help. My devotion this morning talked about how the most successful people in the world did not do it alone. I took that as God's way of telling me I am in the right place and not to feel bad about asking for help. My goal now is to continue to ask when I need help. That's a big challenge for me.

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