Monday, February 20, 2012

Pros/Cons of Professional Portfolio

While taking this class I have learned a lot about the professional portfolio, and while my husband is job searching it has helped, to learn, of how these different web sites help people looking for jobs. I have always gotten my jobs by word of mouth. What I mean is that people know I would be a good fit for the position. I think these web sites help companies or schools know who you are and your qualifications. My favorite is the Linkedin. I like how people can write a recommendation for you. All the recommendations I have in the past are on letter head from the school.While, I love these sites, my one struggle with them is I feel like we have lost the idea of knowing who someone really is. I could be the most qualified for the job, but that does not mean I am the right person. I like the interview process, as my future employer, can learn about who I really am. I had an interview last summer and I knew I was not the right person for the job, but I only knew that by going through the interview process. At the same time, the school was able to say we like you please keep applying.
I guess I am rambling, but what I am trying to say is there are pros and cons with anything. While I think these sites are great, I wonder if we lose some of the personally touches by using them.

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